Sunday, December 26, 2004
Monday, December 13, 2004
Test has Ended But More Test Are Coming!!
Monday, December 06, 2004
"I expect to pass through this world but once;
any good thing therefore that I can do, or any
kindness that I can show to any fellow
creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or
neglect it, for I shall not pass this way
Ettiene De Grellet
What Motivates You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Who wants to go where everyone else has already gone anyway? You look for the hidden paths, ones most don't see and don't care to venture down. You go boldly andstand proud discontent with what's been put in front of you, determined to find a way perfect for you even no one else will take it with you. You live as you want and not for others, but be careful not become selfish. Others may need you and you should be there for them, especially the ones close to you. You tend to be the leader in most situations and people listen and trust you not lead them astray. Your firm in your opinions and beliefs and unwilling to change yourself to suit other people. By the same token, you can be stubborn to a fault, change isn't always a bad thing you know. Everyone changes and grows, you shouldn't try to stay exactly the same or you could be left behind. Then again, you may change frequently. Some people change to fit in, you my little non-conformist, may change to be set apart. It's great to be different, but it's also just as great to have things in common with people, even if those people are in that "crowd"you seem to have a vendetta against. Don't try to be different, just be who you are, whoever that is and you'll be unique all on your own. So make some time for people, let yourself blend into the crowd every once in awhile, you may just learn something about them and yourself you never
knew before.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Today is the first time that I try to stir-fry a plate of vegetable without the help of my parents.. Actually Dad was suppose to be the one doing the cooking, but in the evening, he called home & assign mi to cook, cause he has taught me before.. After receiving the call, my mind was thinking huh ask me to cook ah, die ah, nv try before lei, although got learn & see how he cook before, but can i be able to do so? Will it turn out weird or.. But after much questioning & thinking & mum's encouragement, I finally pluck up the courage & started the test.. Mum was the 1st person who taste the food, and she just say ok la, But when the Master taste it, the result is that u have sort of overcook the vege a little bit & a little bit too bland, but 1st time cook nv get burnt & got these result is quite ok la.. After knowing the result, was sort of disappointed with it, but also quite happy la, cause I have never imagine that I can cook a plate of vegetable without the help of anyone.. But really hope that there will be improvement the next time round la, hehe:)
Finally All Are Free To Meet Up!!
But after this gathering, I was quite happy & relieve to see that everything was ok, & the bonding was still there..Hehe:)